Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Barack Obama Is Against Concealed Handgun License Holders

Barack Obama is against concealed handguns and concealed handgun license holders. I don't make this charge without evidence. Mr. Obama, in an interview with the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, stated "I am not in favor of concealed weapons." and further stated "I think it creates a potential atmosphere where more innocent people could (get shot during) altercations."

Never mind that statistics kept by States that issue Concealed Handgun Licenses (CHL) and by the Federal Government indicate Obama is wrong about an increase in shooting incidents. Politicians like Obama have always forecast gun fights in the streets everytime a State passes a CHL law and they never have come to pass.

The truth is that people have the right to defend themselves, their family, and property and according to Professor Gary Kleck they do so with their own guns 2.5 million times a year...usually without firing a shot (though sometimes it's necessary). And, many of these people are CHL holders. Here are some examples of people defending themselves and others that have made it into the news:

According to White County, Tenn., Sheriff Oddie Shoupe, a man was leaving a home he'd just burglarized when he encountered the homeowner, Keith Gurtley, on the front porch. The sheriff explained, "This burglar coming out of the house asked Mr. Gurtley, 'Can I help you?' and Mr. Gurtley said, "Yes, you're in my house, bud." That's when the intruder reached for the stolen pistol in his waistband. "Don't do it," Gurtley said, drawing his 9mm. When the suspect failed to comply, Gurtley, who holds a concealed-carry permit, shot and killed him. "I'm afraid that if Mr. Gurtley had not been armed, he would be the one dead," the sheriff said, adding he's seen an increase in residents with carry permits. "They're tired of having to be afraid of all the criminals out there." (Herald-Citizen, Cookeville, Tenn., 05/16/08)

When the burglar alarm woke Jon Sokol's wife, she figured her husband had yet again tripped it while fetching the newspaper. But Sokol was sleeping at her side. "I think there's somebody in the house," Sokol remembers his wife whispering. Despite his reluctance to believe his house had been invaded, Sokol walked to the stairs to investigate. Then he saw someone move. Quickly he went for his gun. "As I stepped around the corner, he hit me...right between the eyes. And I fired the gun. Down on the ground he went, and I insisted, in a not very nice way, that he not move. I held him at gunpoint until the police arrived." Police sat the intruder, who was armed with a knife, has a lengthy criminal record. (Star Tribune, Minneapolis, Minn., 05/02/08)

Eugene Johnson was away when burglars first struck his home, trashing it and stealing money. But he was home less than two weeks later when his wife heard someone kick in the back door. Johnson, who spent nearly three years in a North Korean P.O.W. camp, quickly go his pistol and intervened. The burglar said, "Don't move, I have a gun," Johnson recalls. "I said, 'Buddy, I've got a gun, too, and it's [aimed] right on you.' Things go quiet then." Police say the suspect had fled. "The home owner acted appropriately," said District Attorney David Freed. "Criminals who break into occupied homes assume the risk of being shot by the home owners." (The Patriot-News, Harrisburg, Pa., 05/31/08)

Barack Obama's record is clear. He's anti gun, anti gun owner, anti Second Amendment, and doesn't believe you can be trusted to defend yourself with your own gun without going on a shooting rampage. He's not the man you want for President. Thankfully, CHL holders are usually voters.

1 comment:

cal howe said...

I voted for President Obama in the last election. When I vote next year I will vote against him for one reason and only one reason. He does not want me to have a concealed weapon license(which I have) and doesn't want me to carry a concealed weapon(which I do). I know every one has a right to his own dicesion as the President does but I don't agree with him. He should realize a lot of us carry and have a license and we do vote.